[Cod-bugs] COD - setting up mysql database for a local COD copy

Pavol Juhas pjuhas at bnl.gov
Sat Jan 27 00:59:50 EET 2018

Dear Saulius,

I hope all is well, we met a while ago at a software demo
session at the IUCr meeting in Montreal.

I am trying to setup a copy of the COD database on my
iMac desktop with a local mysql server.  I have downloaded
the CIF files from the cod-cifs-mysql.tgz tarball and then updated
them with the rsync command as described at
The files seem to include a database dump in
mysql/data.txt file, but I am a bit at loss how to
use it to run a mysql server instance.  I was
not able to find instructions at the COD wiki or
within the COD file tree.

Would you have any pointers on how to setup a
duplicate mysql server instance for a COD database?

My apologies if I missed such instructions within the COD
webpage or wiki.

Thank you very much,


    Dr. Pavol Juhas
    Computational Science Initiative
    Brookhaven National Laboratory
    P.O. Box 5000
    Upton, NY  11973-5000
    tel: +1-631-344-3594
    fax: +1-631-344-2739

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