[Cod-bugs] Broken CIF Files

Aguiar, Jeffery A jeffery.aguiar at inl.gov
Mon Mar 26 02:44:36 EEST 2018

Dear the Open Crystallography Database Team,

We have been recently querying your database and have found inconsistencie
sbroken CIF files.

We have attached a text file identifying those files that are either
missing space group, atom position, or other vital crystallographic

We want to make you aware of these inconsistencies in case there are other
users that like us that are using this database.

Kind regards,
Preview attachment BrokenCifs.txt

*Jeffery A. Aguiar, Ph.D.*
*Principal Scientist*
Idaho National Laboratory
Fuel Design and Development Department
2525 Fremont Ave.
Mail Stop 3870
Idaho Falls, ID  83415
Voice:  (208) 526 2884
Cell: (650) 346 1558
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