[Cod-bugs] COD Partnership with Google - Data Repositories

Zoe Weinberg zweinberg at google.com
Wed Jul 3 00:04:45 EEST 2019

Dear Daniel, Robert, and Peter,

I work with the Dataset Search team at Google and we’re eager to partner
with COD to ensure that datasets in your repository are represented in
search results through Dataset Search. Would one of you be willing to
connect me with your colleagues who would be responsible for adding
metadata to your datasets?

Dataset Search (g.co/datasetsearch) is a new tool from Google that enables
users to find datasets from a wide range of repositories through a single
interface. It was well received (Nature
<https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06201-x>, Verge
at launch in September 2018, and has been described as “Google Scholar for
Datasets.” You can read our own launch announcement
from the Google blog.

To better direct users to the data stored at your repository, we’re working
to increase the number of repositories indexed in the tool, including
complete coverage of repositories recommended by the National Science
Foundation, like yours. In order to do this, Dataset Search relies on
structured metadata using Schema.org. This metadata is usually embedded in
the existing landing page (e.g., pages like this
<http://crystallography.net/cod/1501472.html>). See developer documentation
<https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/dataset> for more

I’m eager to help support the process work with you to address any
challenges or concerns. If you have additional questions, please either
contact me or email dataset-search at googlegroups.com.

Best wishes,

Zoe Weinberg


Zoe Weinberg | Google Research | zweinberg at google.com | 646.573.7584
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