[Cod-bugs] Missing DOI
Antanas Vaitkus
antanas.vaitkus90 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 14:19:29 EET 2025
Dear Robert,
Thank you for your report. I will add the missing DOI.
In this particular case the DOI was missing because the original
COD depositor did not provide during the deposition. The COD
does not require a DOI when sufficient bibliographic information
is provided (journal, year, etc.), although it is recommended to
include it when possible.
Currently, the COD contains about 48 000 entries without a DOI.
Some of these case do not have an associated DOI at all
(e.g. personal communications to the COD, CIFs from journals
that do not assign DOIs) while others could be enhanced with
this information. This task will eventually be tackled by automated
On Mon, 3 Feb 2025 at 13:51, Robert McMeeking - STFC UKRI <
robert.mcmeeking at stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hello Antanas
> I have noticed a missing DOI in the recent COD entry 4350826. Also the
> page numbers of the articles are missing. I can resolve the missing
> information within CrystalWorks using CrossRef. I suspect there is a
> complication with PubChem because a correct to the paper was published in
> the same year. See attached screen shots for details.
> Hope this is od use to you
> Bob
> Dr R.F. McMeeking
> STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Antanas Vaitkus,
Vilnius University,
Life Sciences Center,
Institute of Biotechnology,
room C521, Saulėtekio al. 7,
LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
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