[Cod-bugs] COD updates

Robert McMeeking - UKRI STFC robert.mcmeeking at stfc.ac.uk
Thu Jan 10 13:21:44 EET 2019

Hi Saulius

Here is the DOI of Armel’s  paper: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229618017734

I suspect other articles in the same Issue (January 2019) of the journal may have got into the COD before Christmas.

Best Regards


From: Saulius Gražulis <grazulis at ibt.lt>
Sent: 10 January 2019 10:55
To: McMeeking, Robert (STFC,DL,SC) <robert.mcmeeking at stfc.ac.uk>
Cc: cod-bugs at ibt.lt
Subject: Re: COD updates

On 2019-01-10 12:39, Robert McMeeking - UKRI STFC wrote:
I have a query about the current COD update situation. This reason I ask is that we do not appear to have received any new entries in the MySQL file since 26th January. I would like to check whether there any problems with the SVN update procedure at our end.

Also I am looking for a new structure determination by Armel Le Bail which has recently appeared in Acta Cryst. C.

Hi, Bob

I have noticed that the automatic harvester has stalled, but so far had not time to look into it; I'll plan to do this beginning next week (maybe earlier, time permitting).

Regarding the latest structure from Armel, if you could send me a full bibliography and/or DOI, or PMID, we then could deposit it through the Web interface.

Sincerely yours,


Dr. Saulius Gražulis

Vilnius University Institute of Biotechnology, Saulėtekio al. 7

LT-10257 Vilnius, Lietuva (Lithuania)

fax: (+370-5)-2234367 / phone (office): (+370-5)-2234353

mobile: (+370-684)-49802, (+370-614)-36366
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