[Cod-bugs] Unable to update deposited prepublication structure
brazda at fzu.cz
Tue Mar 12 11:08:04 EET 2019
Dear Andrius,
I logged in for Manage depositions>view your deposition>clicked on
deposited structure 3000217>clicked on Update - I was in "Validation and
Deposition Interface">clicked on radio-button "Do not change the hold
period" and "Begin update">clicked on "Edit">In "Your CIF file contents"
window I deleted the whole text there and pasted the updated vesion of
the CIF; in "Description of changes..." window I wrote "By accicent the
originally deposited structure had wrong absolute structure. The updated
cif corrects this error." and clicked on "Save and check">Green message
appeared "File [3000217.cif] is correct" and I clicked on "Update"
button and then the message appeared "cif-deposit.pl: password
'password' value from the upload form contains unallowed characters (not
in '(.{4,64})')".
I tried it just now with a different result.
the sequence of the steps was the same but today the error message is
different "cif-deposit.pl: submitting author 'Petr Brázda' does not
match any author in the data_I author list ('Brazda, P.', 'Palatinus,
L.', 'Babor, M.') -- will not deposit the structure, the prepublication
structures and personal communications must be deposited by one of the
authors". I had problems with this yesterday too because I wrote in my
personal details my surmane "Brázda" but in cif it must be "Br\'azda".
Therefore I changed my profile to "Brazda" and also changed the CIF to
"Brazda". Now everything is ok, but the message still appears.
Then I tried the whole procedure again but this time I did not delete
the whole text in the "Your CIF file contents" window but only the
title, atomic coordinates and also the non-recognized words part. Then I
clicked on update and the same error message as yesterday appeared. I
attach printscreen of it.
Best wishes,
Petr Brazda
Dne 2019-03-12 09:25, Andrius Merkys napsal:
> Dear Petr,
> Could you please describe the steps you did to arrive to the deposition
> stage? I have tried to reproduce the situation, however,
> unsuccessfully.
> Best wishes,
> Andrius Merkys
> On 2019-03-11 12:16, brazda wrote:
>> Dear Sirs/Madams,
>> I tried to update 3000217.cif, but I failed. The red error message on
>> red background appeared "cif-deposit.pl: password 'password' value
>> from the upload form contains unallowed characters (not in
>> '(.{4,64})')". Could you please help me?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Sincerely,
>> Petr Brazda
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