[Cod-bugs] Crystallography Open Database - Study on the Audience of Scientific Databases and Data Repositories

REBOUILLAT Violaine violaine.rebouillat.auditeur at lecnam.net
Thu Jun 4 11:46:43 EEST 2020

Dear Ms/Mr,

I am taking the liberty of contacting you in the course of my research in information science. I am a researcher at the Cnam in Paris and I am interested in open science and the sharing of research data.

I am currently conducting a study on the consultation of data available in online data repositories and databases. The aim of this study is to understand what role repositories play in the reuse of data and how users have appropriated them.

My approach is to collect repositories audience data from their administrators.

That's why I am turning to you. The Crystallography Open Database is one of the 200 databases recommended by the FAIRsharing<https://fairsharing.org/> directory.

So my question is: would you agree to have Crystallography Open Database included in this study? If so, could you provide me with its audience data for the period 2015-2020?

I would need, as far as possible, the most accurate records you have.
The information I would ideally like to know is as follows:

- The number of hits and (if any) downloads of each available dataset;

- The evolution of this number (hits and/or downloads) over months or even years between 2015 and 2020.
However, if you cannot or do not wish to provide me with detailed information for each dataset, I am also interested in more aggregated data.

In addition, could you summarize in a few words the method you use to measure the data repository audience?

The data you will provide will remain confidential and will only be used for the purposes of this study. The published results will be in the form of aggregate statistical data. They will be the subject of a paper to be presented at the 7th <https://docsoc2020.sciencesconf.org/> Document numérique & Société<https://docsoc2020.sciencesconf.org/> conference<https://docsoc2020.sciencesconf.org/> next September. A summary of these results will be sent to you during the summer.

If the files you want to send me are too numerous or too large to be sent by email, I can suggest you the open source solution Framadrop (the submission procedure is attached).

If you don't currently have a device to measure the database audience, could you let me know that as well? I would be interested to have that information and the reason why.

I thank you in advance and remain at your disposal for any further information.

Kind regards,

Violaine Rebouillat

Doctor in Information Science

Dicen-IDF laboratory (Cnam, Paris)


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